Influencer: The New Science of Leading Peoples|New York Best Seller|
"The ability to influence people without irritating them is the most profitable skill that you learn"
-Napoleon Hill
This book stresses on the importance of being able to induce change. This book connects the top leaders with a common thread. The books focuses on the leader's ability to influence and make a profound change. this book isn't about persuasion but it's about modifying human habits to induce important change.
The book says:
"As a result of failed influence efforts and unfulfilled dreams, most of us grow impatient."
The book quotes Warren Bennis saying:
"I wanted influence. In the end I wasn't very good at being university president. I looked out of the window and thought that man cutting grass has more control over what he was doing."
Thus, this book is all about influencing people with exceptional skills like effective communication packed with many others to nourish change.
The authors present their framework for considering influence as a grid with two axes.
The vertical axis includes three scopes:
Personal- you yourself, or the individual who you want to influence
Social- other people surrounding the individual
Structural- the environment surrounding the individual
The horizontal axis includes two items:
Motivation- desire and positive pressure to act
Ability- the capability and skill needed to act
The instersections of these two axes create the six change strategies that the author discuss in the book.
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